
Nimkish Keema Curry Masala

Nimkish Keema Curry Masala
Nimkish Keema Curry Masala
  • Weight: 50.00g

Ingredients Required:

500g keema / minced meat

200g tomatoes

100g yogurt

50g peas

1 cup water

2 tbsp butter



Heat 4 tbsp oil in pan and sauté 500g minced meat on low heat until brown. Add a little water if the meat sticks together while sautéing. Now, put 200g crushed tomatoes, 100g beaten yogurt, 50g Nimkish Keema Curry Masala and sauté on medium heat till oil separates. Then, add 1 cup water and 50g boiled peas. Cover the pan with lid & cook for 5-10 minutes on low heat or till the gravy is thick. Finally add 2 tbsp butter and garnish with coriander before serving.

Tip – For Keema Naan – Separate the keema (minced meat) from the gravy and use it as stuffing for naan. Top the naan with butter and  serve with remaining gravy.