
Frequently Asked Questions

Is there GST?
All our prices are inclusive of applicable Goods and Service Tax.

How can I cancel my order?

In case you would like to rethink your purchase, you can cancel your order at any point until it is out for delivery and your money will be refunded to your original source of payment. It will be initiated instantly at the time of cancellation and credited to your payment source in a maximum of 5-7 business days. Please note that once your order is out for delivery, it cannot be cancelled or refunded irrespective of the mode of payment.

I haven’t received my order confirmation email.

Your order confirmation e-mail is sent to the e-mail address linked to your Freshkaka Account immediately upon placing your order. If you do not receive it, please check the junk or spam folder in your email client. If you still cannot locate the confirmation, you may log into your Freshkaka Account and select 'Order History' to view all of your orders. If the order you placed does not appear, the order was not successfully confirmed. You may also write to us at or call us at 8114408411 if you’re experiencing any difficulties in placing and / or confirming your order.

Do I need to register or create an account before making a purchase?

Yes, it’s mandatory. You need to create an Account to make a purchase.

How do I place my order?
You can place an order from our Mobile App, Website.

Do you charge for the delivery?
Delivery charges are applied at the time of checkout based on delivery area selected by the user.

Can I order for a delivery to a different address?
Yes, you can add a new address in your Account panel. You can add and save as many addresses as you want to.

Can I pick up my order from your nearest outlet?
We currently have one outlet - at fatehpura, Udaipur - and are actively working at increasing the number. Choose store pickup under delivery method and then you can pick up your order from the outlet.

I have got more questions, how can I reach freshkaka customer support?
You can call us on +91-8114408411 or WhatsApp us your query on same number.