Last updated on 19th June, 2020

This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) describes the policies and procedures on the collection, use, disclosure and protection of your information when you use our website located at, or the Freshkaka mobile application.

The terms “you” and “your” refer to the user of the Freshkaka Platform. The term “Services” refers to any services offered by Freshkaka whether on the Freshkaka Platform or otherwise.

Please read this Policy before using the Freshkaka Platform or submitting any personal information to Freshkaka. This Policy is a part of and incorporated within, and is to be read along with, the Terms of Use.


By using the Freshkaka Platform and the Services, you agree and consent to the collection, transfer, use, storage, disclosure and sharing of your information as described and collected by us in accordance with this Policy.  If you do not agree with the Policy, please do not use or access the Freshkaka Platform.


We may occasionally update this Policy and such changes will be posted on this page. If we make any significant changes to this Policy we will endeavour to provide you with reasonable notice of such changes, such as via prominent notice on the Freshkaka Platform or to your email address on record and where required by applicable law, we will obtain your consent. To the extent permitted under the applicable law, your continued use of our Services after we publish or send a notice about our changes to this Policy shall constitute your consent to the updated Policy.


We will collect and process the following information about you:

  1. Create or update your Freshkaka account, which may include your name, email, phone number, login name and password, address. If you sign in to the Freshkaka Platform through third-party sign-in services such as Facebook, Google Plus or Gmail or any other social networking or similar site (collectively, “SNS”), an option of which may be provided to you by Freshkaka at its sole discretion, you will be allowing us to pass through and receive from the SNS your log-in information and other user data; or
  2. Provide content to us, which may include reviews, ordering details and history, favorite products, special requests, contact information of people you refer to us and other information you provide on the Freshkaka Platform (“Your Content”).
  3. Use our Services, we may collect and store information about you to process your requests and automatically complete forms for future transactions, including (but not limited to) your phone number, address, email.
  4. Correspond with Freshkaka for customer support;
  5. Participate in the interactive services offered by the Freshkaka Platform such as discussion boards, competitions, promotions or surveys, other social media functions or make payments etc.
  6. Report problems for troubleshooting.

  • Information we collect about you - With regard to each of your visits to the Freshkaka Platform, we will automatically collect and analyse the following demographic and other information:
  1. When you communicate with us (via email, phone, through the Freshkaka Platform or otherwise), we may maintain a record of your communication;
  2. Location information: Depending on the Services that you use, and your app settings or device permissions, we may collect your real time information, or approximate location information as determined through data such as GPS, IP address;
  3. Usage and Preference Information: We collect information as to how you interact with our Services, preferences expressed and settings chosen. Freshkaka Platform includes the Freshkaka advertising services (“Ad Services”), which may collect user activity and browsing history within the Freshkaka Platform and across third-party sites and online services, including those sites and services that include our ad pixels (“Pixels”), widgets, plug-ins, buttons, or related services or through the use of cookies. Our Ad Services collect browsing information including without limitation your Internet protocol (IP) address and location, your login information, browser type and version, date and time stamp, user agent, Freshkaka cookie ID (if applicable), time zone setting, browser plug-in types and versions, operating system and platform, and other information about user activities on the Freshkaka Platform, as well as on third party sites and services that have embedded our Pixels, widgets, plug-ins, buttons, or related services;
  4. Transaction Information: We collect transaction details related to your use of our Services, and information about your activity on the Services, including the full Uniform Resource Locators (URL), the type of Services you requested or provided, comments, domain names, search results selected, number of clicks, information and pages viewed and searched for, the order of those pages, length of your visit to our Services, the date and time you used the Services, amount charged, details regarding application of promotional code, methods used to browse away from the page and any phone number used to call our customer service number and other related transaction details;
  5. Device Information: We may collect information about the devices you use to access our Services, including the hardware models, operating systems and versions, software, file names and versions, preferred languages, unique device identifiers, advertising identifiers, serial numbers, device motion information and mobile network information. Analytics companies may use mobile device IDs to track your usage of the Freshkaka Platform;
  • Information we receive from other sources -
  1. When you sign in to Freshkaka Platform with your SNS account, or otherwise connect to your SNS account with the Services, you consent to our collection, storage, and use, in accordance with this Policy, of the information that you make available to us through the social media interface. This could include, without limitation, any information that you have made public through your social media account, information that the social media service shares with us, or information that is disclosed during the sign-in process.  Please see your social media provider’s privacy policy and help center for more information about how they share information when you choose to connect your account.


  1. To provide, personalise, maintain and improve our products and services, such as to enable deliveries and other services, enable features to personalise your Freshkaka account;
  2. To carry out our obligations arising from any contracts entered into between you and us and to provide you with the relevant information and services;
  3. To administer and enhance the security of our Freshkaka Platform and for internal operations, including troubleshooting, data analysis, testing, research, statistical and survey purposes;
  4. To provide you with information about services we consider similar to those that you are already using, or have enquired about, or may interest you. If you are a registered user, we will contact you by electronic means (e-mail or SMS or telephone) with information about these services;
  5. To understand our users (what they do on our Services, what features they like, how they use them, etc.), improve the content and features of our Services (such as by personalizing content to your interests), process and complete your transactions, make special offers, provide customer support, process and respond to your queries;
  6. To generate and review reports and data about, and to conduct research on, our user base and Service usage patterns;
  7. To allow you to participate in interactive features of our Services, if any; or
  8. To measure or understand the effectiveness of advertising we serve to you and others, and to deliver relevant advertising to you.

We analyse the log files of our Freshkaka Platform that may contain Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, browser type and language, Internet service provider (ISP), referring, app crashes, page viewed and exit websites and applications, operating system, date/time stamp, and clickstream data. This helps us to administer the website, to learn about user behavior on the site, to improve our product and services, and to gather demographic information about our user base as a whole.